Project Overview

In early 2024, the Town of Saugeen Shores completed a Master Drainage Plan to outline existing and future drainage needs. The study identified five storm outlet locations in Southampton for further investigation. These locations are:

  • Adelaide Street (No. 11)
  • Island Street (No. 12)
  • Bay Street (No. 13A)
  • watercourse south of Bay Street (No. 13B)
  • Huron Street South (No. 14)

The Town is now undertaking an Environmental Assessment (EA) to investigate the drainage issues with the storm drain systems associated with these outlets. The EA will determine the cause of flooding and erosion in these areas and recommend solutions.

Project Study Area

Map of project study area

Get Involved

Public consultation is an important part of this study. The public will have opportunities for input at key stages throughout this project. These opportunities will be shown on this page.

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