Draft Cultural Heritage Master Plan

Draft Cultural Heritage Master Plan

A draft CHMP was presented to Council on Monday, January 13, 2025 for review and comment. The draft plan has been developed taking background, legislation, and community input into consideration.

The plan includes five objectives, each with recommended actions for implementation. These objectives are:

  1. Maintain Compliance within the Legislative Framework for Cultural Heritage Resources
  2. Improve Process
  3. Build Capacity
  4. Expand Lines of Communication
  5. Develop a Saugeen Shores Approach to Conservation

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We are preparing a Cultural Heritage Master Plan (CHMP) in coordination with NPG Planning Solutions, TMHC, BRAY Heritage and M. R. Letourneau and Associates Inc.

The Saugeen Shores CHMP will outline the characteristics of significant cultural heritage resources in the community and identify actionable recommendations for the conservation of those resources. The CHMP has the following objectives:

  • Facilitate the creation of a CHMP that coordinates cultural heritage conservation and enhancement considerations in Saugeen Shores;
  • Provide a high-level review of the cultural heritage value and significance of existing protected cultural heritage properties;
  • Develop tools to evaluate and identify properties and Cultural Heritage Landscapes for cultural heritage value according to the Provincial criteria for cultural heritage designation as prescribed under the Ontario Heritage Act; and
  • Identify actions that are the responsibility of the Town under the Ontario Heritage Act and/or Planning Act.

To learn more about the rich history of Saugeen Shores, visit our Heritage and History page.


Historical Context

The Historical Context Overview Report outlines the larger historical, economic, social, and cultural processes that have influenced growth and change in Saugeen Shores. An understanding of these processes provides a framework for considering the heritage significance of existing and potential cultural heritage resources in the Town. The information in the Historical Context Overview Report will inform the Saugeen Shores Cultural Heritage Master Plan.

How has the community been involved so far?

As this project progressed, we asked the public to share cultural heritage resources and stories that are important to this community and help us map those resources.

  • An online survey and mapping tool were available March 27 - April 25 to collect public input.
  • An in-person drop-in session was held on Tuesday, May 28 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm to share project information and collect public feedback. View the presentation from this meeting.

This input will help shape the final Cultural Heritage Master plan.