
The Town of Saugeen Shores is building a state-of-the-art facility that will house an eight-lane pool as well as a fitness and wellness centre. It is one of the Town's biggest capital projects to date, and will serve as a regional recreational hub for decades to come. The Town is also using this opportunity to renovate the space for its office staff using the Government Workplace 2.0 guidelines.

Why is a new Aquatic & Wellness Centre Needed?

The Town of Saugeen Shores is one of the fastest-growing communities in Ontario. The population expanded by 16% since the last census… almost three times as quickly as the provincial growth rate. Two of the fastest-growing segments are children under 15 and those between 25-44. The region is home to Bruce Power, with its Life Extension Program securing approximately 27,000 jobs.

The Town’s traditional tourism economy is thriving. The population surges year-round, especially during the summer as tourists arrive to enjoy Lake Huron. After retirement, many people tend to remain or relocate to Saugeen Shores. Additionally, the number of residents aged 65 and older has grown by more than a third since the last census.

The new aquatic and wellness centre will help address the growing need for activities and facilities to serve this growing population, especially when you consider the current pool is nearing the end of its life cycle.
The Town is excited that Saugeen Shores is evolving into a regional hub and a community of choice for many new residents who embrace the beauty, vibrant lifestyle, and benefits of small-town, rural living.

A State-of-the-Art Recreation Facility

The Town of Saugeen Shores plans to construct a new Aquatic and Wellness Centre (AWC) that will function as a recreational hub and destination facility for the region. The new facility will integrate recreational spaces to support the health and well-being of the Town’s regional residents and visitors, including youth, seniors, and those with disabilities. The new energy efficient AWC will be built upon, and adjacent to, the existing Saugeen Shores Community Complex (the Plex) in Port Elgin.

  • Aquatic facility: pool with eight (8) 25-metre lanes; leisure/therapeutic pool; pool viewing area.
  • Walking track.
  • Wellness centre: conditioning centre with weights and fitness equipment; gymnasium and storage; fitness studio; multi-purpose rooms.
  • Common areas: change rooms/washrooms; meeting rooms; offices/customer service areas; mechanical/ filtration/storage areas.

Designed with environmental sustainability at the forefront, this innovative facility will tie into the Town’s existing recreation infrastructure to create a space for community fitness, sports, and leisure activities available to all ages and abilities.

Saugeen Shores Aquatics and Wellness Centre